Tuesday, October 07, 2008

49 Nifty United States

Sarah Palin has completely degenerated into self parody at this point in the race.  Could it be any more obvious that she serves no other purpose than to rile up the base at those creepy-ass rallies?  By now the media cycle has been permeated with this one liner:

"This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America..."

We sadly know the rest by now.  I wouldn't expect the MSM not to pick up this meme and repeat it,that's what they do.  What sticks in my craw is that I have yet to see one outlet at least come back and mention Saracuda's association with the secessionist Alaskan Independence Party.  When she says " the way you and I see America", does she mean one with only forty nine states?  Could at least one crummy news publication or cable show at least bring this up, just once? 

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