Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Where's My Stimulus Check?

As predicted by briefcase radical Senate Republicans resorted to filibustering the economic stimulus plan rather than allowing additional benefits to be incorporated into the final product. The proposed spending increase would have broadened the reach of the plan by getting dollars into the hands of people who would spend it. From the AP story,

The fate of $600-$1,200 rebate checks for more than 100 million Americans is in limbo after Senate Republicans blocked a bid by Democrats to add $44 billion in help for the elderly, disabled veterans, the unemployed and businesses to the House-passed economic aid package.

With no chance of surpassing the sixty vote limit Harry Reid and Company will have to compromise with the Republicans and get something approved soon. The flip side is that the GOP caucus takes some heat for yet another mean spirited power play, not a stretch.

The Chinese connection to the stimulus plan, also highlighted in these pages, was not lost on Sen. Byron Dorgan. According to an article on Politico the North Dakota Democrat wants to remind rebate recipients to divert the flow of stimulus dollars away from China and other U.S. Creditors,

In fact, Dorgan has offered an amendment to the Senate economic stimulus bill that would require millions of rebate checks to have the slogan "Support Our Economy - Buy American."
I plan to heed the good Senator's request. Although with that limitation I'm not sure what I will purchase with my stimulus dollars. So much for a new laptop or stylish clothes from the Gap. Is anyone up for a trip to Amish country?

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