Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Post Debate, Message to Prospective Nominee

No live blogging of the debate here but it was cool to see a room full of local bloggers going at it in WKYC headquarters. Also great exposure for CSU, the City and Ron Paul supporters with big signs. The large chunk of time spent on health care was impressive but getting one last lok at the iteraction between Hilary and Barack was the real draw for me. I have nothing else to say about it that hasn't been floated in the MSM or blogosphere other than what follows.

Message to the Prospective Democratic Nominee - When Russert Attacks
I'll admit I wasn't overly impressed with both candidates responses to this question about Iraq from Tim Russert:
RUSSERT: I want to ask both of you this question, then. If this
scenario plays out and the Americans get out in totality, and Al Qaida
resurges and Iraq goes to hell, do you hold the right in your mind as
American president to reinvade, to go back into Iraq to stabilize it?
Barack and Hillary answered the question thoughtfully but they were not direct enough on the Al Queda threat posited by the Russert question. The question of Iraq will undoubtedly be a central issue in the general election campaign, it won't be the last time that question is asked of a Democratic candidate. In addition McCain will have to tout his support of the surge and will also be directing that same challenge to his opponent. What would you do pull out? You would let the terrorists win? The assertion that there is a possibility that Al Queda will take over Iraq has to addressed head on. Doing so will redirect the focus to the actual problem of the Iraq occupation and cut the terrorist hysteria off at the knees.

The Democratic nominee should never address questions of Iraq and redeployment (semantics are important) and Al Queda taking over without mentioning:
There was no Al Queda presence in Iraq before the invasion.

Al Queda in Iraq's (Mesopotamia) creation was a response to the U.S. occupation.

The security vacuum resulting from this policy failure provided fertile ground for AQI to take hold in western Iraq.

We have to begin withdrawing forces anyway because the surge is unsustainable in the long term.

What ever happened to when they stand up we'll stand down?

The actions of the current administration on Iraq have let us no good options.

No way in hell is a predominantly Shia nation going to allow a group of foreign Sunni Salafists to "take over" their country.
To address a semi-moronic question like the one posed at last night's debate without driving these points home would be well, the beginning of silly season.

Thanks to Ohio Daily Blog for posting the debate transcript.

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