Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Ameritrust Tower is Like a Bad Penny

That seemingly too good to be true offer the Cuyahoga County Commissioners got to buy the asbestos ridden Ameritrust building was just that. The Plain Dealer's Joe “I can't find my notepad” Guillen has a story on the Cuyahoga BOCC's intent to the reject the bid from K&D Group. It's nice to see the PD is finally printing a story on the something that has been known for over a week now.

Apparently the private developer offered a bid that requested the purchase price be financed by the County. Kind of like a reverse mortgage but less palatable. Now the commissioners have to continue the next phase of the “I meant to do that” strategy and go out for another round of bids. Of course K&D was the only bid the first time around. Maybe old man Jacobs is interested in getting the building back? Looks like the County is going to polish this turd (euphemism for creatively manage the results of poor decision making) on their own.

I have a hot tip for Joe Guillen and the PD. You may want prepare for a story on the Medical Mart project negotiations falling through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why the bitterness toward Joey G?

You've got a decent blog, why weigh it down with typical new-media-inferiority-complex potshots? What would/will you link to? Other blogs? Obviously there is much to be desired about "old" media, but it's a newspaper in the end. Rest assured, the ball that represents the 24-hour instant posting to report on the fast-paced world of large-scale-public-real-estate-deals lies firmly in your court. Be a good sport and show Joe some respect.