Monday, February 18, 2008

Hynde and People for the Ethical Transport of Akronites

Chrissie Hynde a Rock Hall inductee, Restaurateur and friend to all animals was in town today to cross promote with Akron METRO. Ever the impresario Chrissie came back to Ohio to to ride a METRO bus and deliver a message on the vital nature of public transit and good vegan eats. The ABJ reports that Hynde is also “rail thin” and that she believes in the health benefits of public transit, “other countries have lower obesity rates because of their high quality public transportation systems.” says Hynde. It appears that the elimination of the free transfer is also a sticking point. Whatever happens with the tax increase I don't see that one coming back.

I admire Hynde and her stance on the importance of a well funded and well run transit system but something tells me she will forget our plight once she's back in London minding the gap . Next time she's back in town to check up on VegiTerranean she should float the idea of a state-wide gas tax to develop a truly regional approach to public transit.

One more thing. If you are going to charge $23 for gnocci you shouldn't make your patrons sit on cheap-ass patio furniture. Other than that the food was pretty good.

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