Wednesday, June 24, 2009

High Noon In Columbus

The State General Assembly is still mulling, no agonizing over how to bring Ohio's next biennial budget into balance by next week. So far massive spending cuts and an anemic attempt at raising revenue from slot machines are the only means to achieve that end.

The cuts have hit just about every area of the State's operations including libraries and social programs. Of course there has been no serious push at rolling back at least part of the income tax cuts enacted in 2005. Although the Dispatch has reported on a small band of Dems that have requested a tax increase in lieu of the deep spending cuts. It looks like no new taxes and no new books will win out.

In a new development the Governor had requested a meeting with all elected State executives at noon today. I know this because State Treasurer Kevin Boyce was supposed to speak at a state sponsored training seminar today but was not able to attend. His staffer explained that Boyce and his elected colleagues had been summoned by Strickland to come and offer up "more blood from their respective turnips", the staffer's words not mine.

This move is interesting because much of the attention has been directed at cutting programs administered by the Governor's cabinet agencies. We'll see if the individual elected officials will be willing to sacrifice more of their kingdom to the alter of spending cuts.

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