Saturday, June 06, 2009

Convention Busting Bumpers

Finding unconventional bumper sticker pairings is becoming a slight obsession on my part. The daily sojourn to C-town gives me a decent size pool of bumpers to sample from.

I saw this combination on the way up north, a good sized Ron Paul sticker and right below it a "Abortion: One Killed, One Wounded". Now I'm always interested in the followers of Dr. Paul. I can never tell exactly what the essence of Paulism is.

On one hand an abhorrence to central government and strict observance of the constitution is required to be in this camp. On the other hand there never seems to be a strong outcry from Paulites on torture, warrantless surveillance and other government intrusion into reproductive rights. Is Dr. Paul an opponent of birth control? Don't they consider the choice a woman may make about her body and pregnancy her own? I really don't know.

In unrelated news I'm still looking for the bumper sticker that reads, " I drive like an a-hole".

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