Sunday, March 08, 2009

The Sound Of God Bowling

I haven't had to use that explanation on my toddler age son yet. We just have an understanding that sometimes it rains and sometimes thunder and lightening are part of the package.

When the time comes to explain the technical cause of thunder I'll defer to a scientific explanation. This will probably mean not depending on any number of our local television forecasters. Apparently most of these guys aren't consistent when it come to deferring to science.

The WaPo weather blog has a piece on a local TV meteorologist who is trying to fight the ignorance amongst his colleagues with a primer on climate change. Bob Ryan has put together an online series that's meant to provide the basic facts and science behind climate change. Ryan sees the role of the weather guy changing in scope to include addressing the impacts of global warming:
Ryan's new articles are clearly in keeping with his view that climate science is now part of a TV meteorologist's beat, and must be covered within a scientific framework. However, a sustained commitment to covering climate science on air as well as online will go much farther towards fostering a well informed public.
He's even included content on scientific method for the most ardent of weather zealots. I would suggest that the flat-Earthers that comprise our local Doppler Cartel check out the series and inform themselves. I agree with Ryan that they can't pretend that the impact of climate change will not become part of the daily information they provide. Old age or religious fanaticism are not a reason to avoid embracing the science related aspects of the job.

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