Thursday, August 28, 2008

Big Dog Shows Ann Curry Some Unity

The Olympics are over and Ann Curry has been reassigned to asking every delegate and VIP at the Democratic National Convention about Hillary and party unity. The Today show host was apparently set loose on the convention floor with only one assignment, keep pushing the media theme of party disunity and the Clinton-Obama schism.

I've turned to MSNBC for some of my coverage mainly to laugh at Pat Buchanan's comb over and watch the commentary of Olbermann and Matthews. Ann was part of the mix from the mix from the beginning. On Monday night she accosted Nancy Pelosi and Jimmy Carter within the same hour and wouldn't let them go until they admitted Hillary was a ticking time bomb that was going to tear the Democrats apart. After the "sisterhood of the traveling suit pants" speech on Tuesday you would have thought Ann would give it a rest but she was at it again tonight going after more victims.

I think the speech by Bill Clinton may be enough to put the disunity storyto bed. Clinton was clear and concise on his support for Obama. His criticism of Republican policies and the damage to America as a result of those polices was strongly worded and direct. As effective as Hillary's speech was on Tuesday, Bill's was even better. He compared the story of his run in 1992 and the uphill battle he faced convincing voters he would be an effective president to that of Obama's quest to win the election in 2008. In doing so he helped dispel the effects of the 3AM adds that Hillary launched against Obama during the primary run. They may have had their fingers crossed behind there backs but Bill and Hill delivered the goods. Ann you are free to return to the Today show.

I've also watched the PBS coverage because they tend to focus on the actual convention and not media driven memes. Lehrer is always good and of course Shields and Brooks provide great analysis. Although David Brooks seemed to be more antsy than normal. Maybe he's regretting some of those NYT columns he wrote on Obama's candidacy.

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