Robart Drinks The Tea
The local chapter of the tea baggers were rockin' on the river in Cuyahoga Falls Wednesday. According to reports the place was packed with local patriots clamoring to get their freedoms back. The event featured remarkable speeches by pols including the king of sneer, Tim Grendell. He seems to be at all of these events.
Even Falls Mayor Don Robart got in on the celebratory berating of all things federal:
Robart said that former President George W. Bush's bailout ''has been a total failure'' and that President Barack Obama's stimulus bill ''has been worse.''
Uhh, yeah Don that stimulus bill thing has been so bad that your administration has opted in for millions of federal dollars. Someone should vet the mayor's speeches before he says something rash. While Don was busy riling up the crowd at the tea party his minions back at city hall were busy racking up ARRA funding.
To date the City of CF has applied for $138,527,132 in federal stimulus dollars. You can't make this crap up. Included in that amount is $50 million on behalf of the school district to build a new learning campus.
Robart has decided to water the trees of Cuyahoga Falls with the nickels and dimes of us tax paying patriots. Shhh, don't tell the gun toting loons at the rally you are actually big on spending federal dollars on roads, bridges and shopping center demolitions.
The request submissions are available at the State of Ohio's Recovery website.
Here is what the "tea-party" hypocrite mayor from Cuyahoga Falls does when he needs money:
Plain Dealer, The (Cleveland, OH) - November 16, 1994
Mayor Don Robart yesterday vowed to go to the voters again in 1995 for a city income-tax increase, despite a prediction from Council President Kim Hoover that the issue is "dead in 1995.""That's unfortunate," Robart said when he learned of Hoover's comment that the 0.5 percent increase, defeated by 127 votes last Tuesday, had no chance of being placed on the ballot by the council. "We need the money
Frank LaRose jr, candidate for state senate might be more of a hypocrite than Robart. His dad owns House of LaRose, the beer and wine distributor.
State law requires Miller, Budweiser, etc..... to have to sell their products to a distributor, NOT to the store themselves. MIller cannot sell it's beer to Giant Eagle, Wal Mart, Kroger, the Browns or Indians, etc.... They have to sell it through LaRose, who adds a nice little mark-up to the price to the consumer.
Ohio is one of only three states that uses this grossly outdated and inefficient ureaucracy.
This system does nothing but add cost to the consumer. Whay does it exist? Because the Beer and Wine Association is one of the top donors to political campaigns in the State of Ohio.
So Frank LaRose Jr. hates big government, except for when it lines the pockets of his family!!!
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