Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Whiteguys and Wingers and Birthers, Oh My

I surveyed the attendees assembling for the Cleveland Tea Bag Festival from my fourth floor perch on Lakeside Avenue.   From this vantage point I could surmise some basic themes emerging in the gathering crowd pf proto-revolutionaries. From the signs people where carrying there was a definitive animus towards the federal government, Obama, taxes of any kind and liberals.

Here are some things I didn't see:

Crispus Attucks - Let's face it, this is a white man's movement.

Non Partisans - The whole tea party theme is a cover for the ant-Obama / Democratic party slant on display at every location I've seen coverage of.

The Independently Wealthy - Let the middle class do the work of shilling for the rich guys.

NPR - Can't imagine the anti-Fox News will do to much to acknowledge today's rallies.

History Majors - The original Tea Party was to protest the actions of a large corporation, this one intends to do their bidding.

Empty Hands - Flags or poster board signs with witty or paranoid sounding slogans were mandatory to gain entrance.

CoExist Bumper Stickers - Doubtful this was a crowd willing to embrace people of all backgrounds.

The Ability to Detect Irony

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